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  • Professional Hair Lightening

  • For Bold,
    Brilliant Color!

Professional Hair Lightening

For Bold,
Brilliant Color!

Discover The Perfect Lightener

When You Want

With the popularity of Instagram, high-definition photography, and selfies, every woman wants to be a “star”...
Make Them One!

We have the tools you need to create the "perfect" balayage, ombré, traditional highlights, and fantasy colors!!!

Ultra Violet Shampoo | LUMINAE - luminaehaircare Ultra Violet Shampoo | LUMINAE - luminaehaircare
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Ultra Violet Shampoo | LUMINAE
From $18.00
  • Ultra Violet Shampoo | LUMINAE - luminaehaircare
  • Ultra Violet Shampoo | LUMINAE - luminaehaircare
Luminae Twilight 9+ Levels of Lift | LUMINAE
    9+ Eclipse Charcoal Creme Lightener | Launch Kit | LUMINAE
      Luminae Spotlight 9+ Levels of Lift | LUMINAE

        Perfection through Science

        “To enlighten… to make luminous or shining”. These represent not only
        the definition of the word “LUMINAE”, but the major goal of the LUMINAE
        brand. Based on extensive scientific research, cutting-edge technology,
        and tested by expert salon professionals, LUMINAE is committed to
        providing the education and tools necessary to “enlighten” stylists and
        help them create beautiful “luminous” blonde hair.

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